The project I decided to create for my senior capstone was based around my growing interest in at home plant care and the desire to create something tactile and interactive with the consumer. Below you can see I made a book that shows specific plants that are some of the most popular house plants and how to give them individual care. I also created a general plant care section that could is helpful for plants that aren't specifically highlighted in the book. Then I created a full package to allow the consumer to create their own starter plant box with seeds from the highlighted plants in the book. Scroll down to explore the different deliverables included in Organic Bible!

Below are the internal spreads of the book. They are photographed in a fully comped book.
The video below is the different steps of the woodblock printing process that I went through to create the prints of each of the highlighted plants.
Below is the hand out included in the package with a QR code that links to the youtube video on the right. It is a visual guide on how to setup your starter planter box by showing the folding of the recyclable paper, inserting soil and seeds, and using the stakes to label each seed section.
I hope to continue this project by creating a series of books. The other books would be focused on building a vegetable garden and an herb garden in your home. Below are the 3 book covers of the series.

Below are prints that I created as another deliverable within this branded package that you can buy seperately or as an addition to the full Organic Bible planter kit.