This is a collection of the block prints and screen prints that I have done over the past few years. Block printing has become a very strong hobby of mine since coming into quarantine. Being able to have something physical to work on outside of a digital screen is very important to my process as an artist and creating these pieces have been very fun and theraputic. 
This is a print study project where I attempted to create a print a day for a month. It originally started where I picked a word out of a bottle every day as a theme for each print. But I ended up morphing the concept into exploring anything I feel, think, or build upon over the course of the month. I contained it all in a box that I built and painted. To the left is a video of the whole box and below are each of the individual prints.
Below are my screen print pieces. The top row is illustration screen print on top of hand marbled paper and the bottom row is a piece used by cymk layer printing and another illustration print. 
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